Member-only story
Black ink only: Journaling with ADHD
This minimalist style won’t work for everyone, but it’s been great for me
Like many adults, I’ve always had some kind of planner to keep my life organized, and occasionally a diary for my thoughts. Some on paper notebooks, some on apps. For two years, I used a digital bullet journal on Goodnotes which I wrote on with a stylus. I kept having to change planner styles and methods because none of them seemed to improve my life or even made me more organized.
My current setup is a purely analog, old school bullet journal in a hardcover dot grid notebook, and I think it’s the best, most useful one I’ve had so far. Mainly because I actually like reading it.
It took me years and dozens of journals to realize the reason I didn’t find my previous bujos useful was because I hated reading them, and it was because too many things were happening on the pages. Highlighters. Stickers. Glittery lines and doodles made with gel pens. All that pretty washi tape. It was all too much for my poor ADHD brain.
So when I used up my bujo notebook a few months ago, I decided to go extremely minimalist for my next one. I drew up a list of rules and wrote them down on page one, right after the index. It was in effect, my first collection.
- Black ink only (except…